1.1 The following terms and definitions shall be used in this document and in the relations of the Parties arising from or connected with it:
1.1.1 Public Offer / Offer – the text of this document with all appendices, amendments and additions thereto, posted on the Website and accessible on the Internet at: http://rafaia-couture.com together with the Mandatory Documents named therein.
1.1.2 Agreement – an agreement for the retail sale and purchase of Goods, together with all Mandatory Documents related thereto, which is concluded and executed by the Parties in the manner prescribed by this Offer.
1.1.3 Seller – Individual Entrepreneur Inga Vasilievna Grigorovskaya, OGRNIP: 322710000063471, INN: 710003898109, address: Tula Oblast, Leninsky District, Zhuravlevka Village, 3_
1.1.4 Buyer – an individual or legal entity capable of Accepting this Offer (with respect to the procedure for concluding the Agreement) or having Accepted the Offer (with respect to the execution of the concluded Agreement).
1.1.5 Products – clothing, accessories and other related products and services offered for sale on the Website.
1.1.6 Order – an order for the purchase of Products placed by the Buyer and agreed upon by the Parties in the manner prescribed by this Offer.
1.1.7 Delivery Service – third parties engaged by the Seller to deliver the Goods to the Buyer (courier services, transport companies, etc.).
1.1.8 Acceptance – full and unconditional acceptance of the Offer by performing the actions specified in this Offer, creating an Agreement between the Buyer and the Seller.
1.1.9 Seller's Website / Website – an automated information system accessible on the Internet at the network address (including subdomains): http://rafaia-couture.com.
1.1.10 Service – a set of functional capabilities of the Website and the Content posted on the Website, access to which is provided to the Buyer for the purpose of concluding a purchase and sale agreement, as well as for informational purposes.
1.1.11 Content – any information materials, including text, graphic, audiovisual and other materials, including images and descriptions of goods, which can be accessed using the Service.
1.2 This Offer may use terms and definitions that are not defined in clause 1.1. of the Offer. In this case, such term shall be interpreted in accordance with the text of the Offer. In the absence of an unambiguous interpretation of a term or definition in the text of this Offer, one should be guided by its interpretation determined: first of all, by the documents constituting the Agreement between the Parties, secondly, by the legislation of the Russian Federation, and subsequently, by business practices and scientific doctrine.
1.3 Any reference in this Offer to a clause (section) of the Offer and/or its terms shall mean a corresponding reference to this Offer (its section) and/or its terms.