This document, referred to as the "User Agreement" (hereinafter referred to as the Agreement), is an offer from IP Grigorovskaya I.V., posted on the Internet resource (hereinafter referred to as the "Site"), stipulating the conclusion of an agreement on the terms and conditions set out below.

  1. Terms and definitions

1.1. The following terms and definitions shall be used in this document and in the relations of the Parties arising from or connected with it:
a. Operator – Individual Entrepreneur Inga Vasilievna Grigorovskaya, OGRNIP: 322710000063471, INN: 710003898109, address: Tula Oblast, Leninsky District, Zhuravlevka Village, 3.
b. User – a person who has entered into a User Agreement with the Operator in his or her own or another person’s interests in accordance with the requirements of the current legislation and the User Agreement.
c. Agreement – ​​an agreement for the free use of the Site and/or Service (User Agreement, hereinafter referred to as the Agreement), a purchase and sale agreement, or other agreement with the Operator proposed for conclusion and/or concluded by the User on the basis of any offer posted on the Site.
d. The Site is an automated information system accessible on the Internet at the network address (including subdomains):
e. The Service is a set of functional capabilities of the Site and the Content posted on the Site, access to which is provided to the User for the purpose of concluding a purchase and sale agreement, as well as for information and entertainment purposes.

1.2. This Policy uses the terms and definitions provided for in the Agreement, as well as other Agreements concluded with the User, unless otherwise provided by this Policy or does not follow from its essence. In other cases, the interpretation of the term used in the Policy is carried out in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation, business customs, or scientific doctrine.

2. General Provisions

2.1. This Policy is an integral part of the documents referring to it, including the User Agreement, the Public Offer for the conclusion of a purchase and sale agreement and the Agreements concluded on their basis.

2.2. By using the Service, sending a request through the feedback form on the Site, placing an Order in any way, and/or concluding an Agreement, you freely, of your own free will and in your interests give specific, subject, informed, conscious and unambiguous written consent to the following methods of processing Personal information: recording, systematization, storage, clarification (updating, modification), retrieval, use, transfer (provision, access) to third parties, depersonalization, blocking, deletion, destruction for the purposes and in the manner established by this Policy, with or without the use of automation tools at the discretion of the Operator.

2.3. This Policy, including the interpretation of its provisions and the procedure for adoption, execution, modification and termination, shall be subject to the legislation of the Russian Federation.

3. Personal information

3.1. In this Policy, personal information means:

3.1.1. Information that the User provides about themselves when placing an Order on the Site, as well as in the process of other use of the Service, including the User's personal data.

3.1.2. Data that is transferred automatically depending on the settings of the User's software in an anonymized form.

3.2. The Operator has the right to establish requirements for the composition of the User's Personal Information, which must be provided for the use of the Service and / or the conclusion of the Agreement by specifying such information. If certain information is not marked by the Operator as mandatory, its provision or disclosure is carried out by the User at their own discretion.

3.3. When placing an Order, the User must specify: the composition of the goods in the Order, first name, last name, patronymic, subscriber phone number, email address, and the address for delivery of goods.

The Operator saves information about the Orders placed.

When returning funds paid under the Agreement, the User may be required to provide additional information (passport data) in a handwritten application in accordance with the requirements of the law.
The Operator does not process payments and information about the User's means of payment (bank cards, electronic means of payment). Payments and the specified information are processed only by the payment service through which the Buyer makes the payment.

3.4. The Operator does not check the accuracy of the Personal Information provided and the availability of the User's necessary consent to its processing in accordance with this Policy, believing that the User acts in good faith, prudently and makes all necessary efforts to keep such information up to date and obtain all necessary consents from personal data subjects.

3.5. The User understands, accepts and agrees that the Operator automatically collects and processes anonymized data about Users, including using third-party software on the Site and/or in the Service, as a result of which the Operator and such third parties may receive and transmit anonymized data automatically.

The specified third-party software includes the following systems for collecting and analyzing anonymized data:
Yandex.Metrica, which collects and processes data in accordance with the privacy policy posted and/or accessible on the Internet at:
The list of third-party software used to collect and analyze anonymized data is not exhaustive; the Operator may use other similar systems, as well as stop using those specified in the list.

Anonymized data collected using third-party software may include:
• data about the User's device (model, manufacturer, amount of free memory), its location (country, city), operating system data (type, version, screen resolution), etc.;
• request data (time, referral source, IP address);
• cookie file data*;
• other anonymized data about the User's actions on the Site.

The composition, as well as the conditions for the collection and use of anonymized data by the Operators of the specified software are determined directly by such Operators and are regulated by documents that are posted and/or available on their websites on the Internet.

By accepting this Policy, as well as by setting certain settings in their software, the User agrees to the terms of collection and use of data by the Operators of the above software.

*A cookie is a small text file written to the user's device and containing information about the user's actions on the Internet. Some of these files can help determine location, others can remember user settings. The user can configure the cookie settings in their browser. However, it is not recommended to block all cookie files: in this case, the User will not be able to use some of the Service's functional capabilities.

Anonymized data is not combined with the User information specified in paragraph 3.1.1 and is not used to identify Users.

3.6. Personal information is processed exclusively in the Russian Federation.

4. Purposes of Personal Information Processing

4.1. The Operator processes, including collects and stores, only those personal data that are necessary for concluding and executing Agreements with Users.

4.2. The Operator has the right to use Personal Information for the purpose of concluding and executing Agreements, including the following actions:

4.2.1 Concluding an Agreement for the use of the Service, as well as concluding other Agreements using the Service.
The following are used to conclude a sales and purchase agreement: the composition of the goods under the Order, the last name, first name, patronymic, subscriber telephone number, email address, and the address for delivery of the goods.

4.2.2. Identification of the User within the framework of fulfilling obligations under the Agreement concluded with him and other Agreements.
When confirming the Order, clarifying information on the Order, delivering goods, providing information and technical support, the User is identified by last name, first name, patronymic, telephone number and email address.

4.2.3 Fulfilment of obligations under the concluded Agreement and other Agreements, including providing the User with access to the Service and technical support, using the functional capabilities of the Service by the User, ensuring delivery of goods.
To order and pay for goods, it is necessary to indicate the last name, first name, middle name, telephone number and e-mail address. The telephone number is required to contact the User to clarify and confirm the Order. The User's e-mail address is used to send a cash receipt in electronic form.
To deliver goods, it is necessary to indicate the last name, first name, middle name, telephone number, e-mail address and the address for delivery of goods. During the delivery process, messages about the delivery status of the goods are sent to the User's e-mail and/or subscriber phone number. The goods are transferred upon presentation of an identity document to the address specified in the Order.
Data on the User's Orders are used to provide such information to the User within the framework of the functional capabilities of the Service.

4.2.4. Refund of funds in case of termination of paid Agreements concluded with the User.
In order to return the funds paid under the Agreement, the User may be required to provide additional information in accordance with the requirements of the law.

4.2.5. Notification within the framework of information services and/or improvement of the quality of the Service under concluded Agreements, including with the involvement of third parties.
Notifications are sent to the User's e-mail address and/or subscriber phone number

4.3. The categories and list of personal data of Users specified in paragraph 4.2. of this Policy are used by the Operator in the ways specified in paragraph 2.2. of this Policy. The terms of their processing and storage, the procedure for the destruction of personal data upon achieving the purposes of their processing or upon the occurrence of other legal grounds are specified in Section 7 of this Policy.

4.4. In addition to the purposes specified in paragraph 4.2., the Operator has the right to use Personal information that does not include the User's personal data for

4.4.1. Conducting marketing, statistical and other research based on anonymized data in order to improve the quality of the Service provided.
Data from the analytical data collection systems specified in paragraph 3.5. of the Policy is collected and analyzed in an anonymized form to learn about the interests and preferences of Users.

4.4.2. Targeting of advertising and/or information materials using anonymized data from the analytical data collection systems specified in paragraph 3.5. of the Policy.

5. Requirements for the protection of Personal information

5.1. The Operator stores Personal information and ensures its protection from unauthorized access and distribution in accordance with internal rules and regulations.

5.2. The User's Personal information is kept confidential.

5.3. In order to improve the quality of the Service, the Operator has the right to store log files for an indefinite period of time on actions performed by the User within the framework of using the Service, as well as in connection with the conclusion and execution of Agreements by the User on his part.

6. Transfer of information

6.1. The Operator has the right to transfer Personal information to third parties in the following cases:

The User has expressed his consent to such actions, including cases where the User applies settings of the software used that do not limit the provision of certain information;
The transfer is necessary within the framework of the execution of Agreements with the User. In particular, information about the order and the User who placed it is transferred to the Delivery Services engaged by the Operator (JSC Russian Post, INN 7724490000, 125252, Moscow, 3-ya Peschanaya St., Bldg. 2A, official website; OOO SDEK-Global, INN 7722327689, 630007, Novosibirsk, Krivoshchekovskaya St., Bldg. 15, Bldg. 1, Floor 1, 2, official website – for delivery of goods to the User;
In connection with the engagement of other third parties – service providers to provide services to the Operator. Personal information is transferred to such service providers for the sole purpose of providing services to the Operator.
In connection with the use of third-party software on the Site for collecting and processing anonymized data. In particular, to collect and process anonymized data, the Operator may use third-party software in accordance with paragraph 3.5. of this Policy;
In connection with the transfer of the Operator's Website to the possession, use or ownership of a third party, or the assignment of rights under agreements concluded with the User in favor of a third party;
At the request of a court or other authorized state body within the framework of the procedure established by law;
To protect the rights and legitimate interests of the Operator in connection with the violation of Agreements concluded with the User.

7. Storage, modification and deletion of personal data

7.1. The Operator processes and stores the User's personal data until the purpose of their processing is achieved or there is no longer a need to achieve it, it is impossible to ensure the legality of the processing of personal data, or the User revokes consent to the processing of his personal data if the storage of personal data is no longer required for the purposes of their processing on the basis of an agreement or applicable law.

7.2. The User has the right to edit the personal data provided by him at any time by contacting the Operator's support service at the e-mail address specified in this Policy.

7.3. The User has the right to send any questions regarding this Policy, the use, change, deletion of Personal Information to the Operator using the addresses specified in this Policy.

7.4. Upon achievement of the purpose of processing the User's personal data or upon loss of the need to achieve it, or in the event of the impossibility of ensuring the legality of the processing of personal data, as well as in the event of the User's withdrawal of consent to the processing of his personal data, if the storage of personal data is no longer required for the purposes of their processing, the Operator, within a period not exceeding 30 days from the date of occurrence of the relevant grounds, is obliged to destroy such personal data in the manner prescribed by the local acts of the Operator.

8. Changes to the Privacy Policy

8.1. This Policy may be changed or terminated by the Operator unilaterally without prior notice to the User. The new version of the Policy comes into force from the moment it is posted on the Operator's Website, unless otherwise provided by the new version of the Policy.

8.2. The current version of the Policy is located on the Operator's Website on the Internet at:
The current version of the Policy is from 03/15/2025.

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